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Цитата бУРов:
Дело в том, что нужно вызывать приложение развернутым на весь экран. »
Цитата boss911:
Код: Выделить весь код
link.WindowStyle = 1
Замените «1» на «3»: WindowStyle Property.

А вообще:
Цитата Shell Link (.LNK) Binary File Format:
ShowCommand (4 bytes): A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the expected window state of an application launched by the link. This value SHOULD be one of the following.

Value Meaning
SW_SHOWNORMAL (0x00000001) The application is open and its window is open in a normal fashion.
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED (0x00000003) The application is open, and keyboard focus is given to the application, but its window is not shown.
SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE (0x00000007) The application is open, but its window is not shown. It is not given the keyboard focus.

All other values MUST be treated as SW_SHOWNORMAL.

Отправлено: 19:24, 03-09-2012 | #19