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Option Explicit

Dim strHotFixID
Dim strServicePackInEffect

Dim strPath2HotFix
Dim strPath2Log

Dim objDictionary
Dim objFSO

Dim strComputer

Dim objSWbemLocator
Dim objSWbemServicesEx
Dim collSWbemObjectSet
Dim objSWbemObjectEx

Dim strPrivilege
Dim strOSVersion
Dim strHotFixFullPath

strHotFixID            = "File 1"
strServicePackInEffect = "KB943729"

strPath2HotFix         = "C:\KB"
strPath2Log            = "C:\Logs"

Set objDictionary = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

With objDictionary
	.Add "Windows XP x86 ENU",             "WindowsXP-KB943729-x86-ENU.exe"
	.Add "Windows XP x86 RUS",             "WindowsXP-KB943729-x86-RUS.exe"
	.Add "Windows XP x64 ENU",             "WindowsXP64-KB943729-x86-ENU.exe"
	.Add "Windows XP x64 RUS"         ,    "WindowsXP64-KB943729-x86-RUS.exe"
	.Add "Windows Server 2003 x86 ENU",    "WindowsServer2003-KB943729-x86-ENU.exe"
	.Add "Windows Server 2003 x86 RUS",    "WindowsServer2003-KB943729-x86-RUS.exe"
	.Add "Windows Server 2003 x64 ENU",    "WindowsServer2003-KB943729-x64-ENU.exe"
	.Add "Windows Server 2003 x64 RUS",    "WindowsServer2003-KB943729-x64-RUS.exe"
	.Add "Windows Vista x86 ENU",          "Windows6.0-KB943729-x86-ENU.msu"
	.Add "Windows Vista x86 RUS",          "Windows6.0-KB943729-x86-RUS.msu"
	.Add "Windows Vista x64 ENU",          "Windows6.0-KB943729-x64-ENU.msu"
	.Add "Windows Vista x64 RUS",          "Windows6.0-KB943729-x64-RUS.msu"
	.Add "Windows Server 2008 x86 ENU",    "Windows6.0-KB943729-x86-ENU.msu"
	.Add "Windows Server 2008 x86 RUS",    "Windows6.0-KB943729-x86-RUS.msu"
	.Add "Windows Server 2008 x64 ENU",    "Windows6.0-KB943729-x64-ENU.msu"
	.Add "Windows Server 2008 x64 RUS",    "Windows6.0-KB943729-x64-RUS.msu"
	.Add "Windows 7 x86 ENU",              "Windows6.1-KB943729-x86-ENU.msu"
	.Add "Windows 7 x86 RUS",              "Windows6.1-KB943729-x86-RUS.msu"
	.Add "Windows 7 x64 ENU",              "Windows6.1-KB943729-x64-ENU.msu"
	.Add "Windows 7 x64 RUS",              "Windows6.1-KB943729-x64-RUS.msu"
	.Add "Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 ENU", "Windows6.1-KB943729-x64-ENU.msu"
	.Add "Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 RUS", "Windows6.1-KB943729-x64-RUS.msu"
End With

Set objFSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strComputer = "."

Set objSWbemLocator    = WScript.CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
Set objSWbemServicesEx = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(strComputer, "root\cimv2")

For Each strPrivilege In Array("SeBackupPrivilege", "SeRestorePrivilege", "SeShutdownPrivilege", "SeSecurityPrivilege", "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege")
	objSWbemServicesEx.Security_.Privileges.AddAsString strPrivilege, True

Set collSWbemObjectSet = objSWbemServicesEx.ExecQuery( _
	"SELECT * FROM Win32_QuickFixEngineering WHERE HotFixID='" & strHotFixID & "' AND ServicePackInEffect = '" & strServicePackInEffect & "'")

If collSWbemObjectSet.Count = 0 Then
	strOSVersion = GetStandardWindowsVersion(objSWbemServicesEx)
	If objDictionary.Exists(strOSVersion) Then
		strHotFixFullPath = objFSO.BuildPath(strPath2HotFix, objDictionary.Item(strOSVersion))
		WScript.Echo """" & strHotFixFullPath & """" & _
			" /passive /norestart /log:""" & strPath2Log & "\" & _
			strHotFixID & "_" & strServicePackInEffect & " [" & _
			WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName & "].log"""
		If objFSO.FileExists(strHotFixFullPath) Then
			With objSWbemServicesEx.Get("Win32_Process")
				If .Create("""" & strHotFixFullPath & """" & _
					" /passive /norestart /log:""" & strPath2Log & "\" & _
					strHotFixID & "_" & strServicePackInEffect & " [" & _
					WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network").ComputerName & "].log""") = 0 Then
					' Success execute
					'Can't execute
				End If
			End With
			' File not found
		End If
		' OS <--> HotFix link not found
	End If
End If

Set collSWbemObjectSet = Nothing
Set objSWbemServicesEx = Nothing
Set objSWbemLocator    = Nothing

Set objDictionary      = Nothing

WScript.Quit 0

Function GetStandardWindowsVersion(objSWbemServicesEx)
	Dim objDictionary
	Dim objSWbemObjectEx_Win32_OperatingSystem
	Dim objSWbemObjectEx_Win32_ComputerSystem
	Dim strOS
	Set objDictionary = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
	With objDictionary
		.Add "32-bit",       "x86"
		.Add "64-bit",       "x64"
		.Add "X86-based PC", "x86"
		.Add "X64-based PC", "x64"
	End With
	For Each objSWbemObjectEx_Win32_OperatingSystem In objSWbemServicesEx.InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
		With objSWbemObjectEx_Win32_OperatingSystem
			Select Case .Version
				Case "5.1.2600"
					strOS = "Windows XP x86"
				Case "5.2.3790"
					Select Case .ProductType
						Case 1
							strOS = "Windows XP x64"
						Case 2, 3
							For Each objSWbemObjectEx_Win32_ComputerSystem In .InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem")
								strOS = "Windows Server 2003 " & objDictionary.Item(objSWbemObjectEx_Win32_OperatingSystem.SystemType)
								Exit For
					End Select
				Case "6.0.6000", "6.0.6001", "6.0.6002"
					Select Case .ProductType
						Case 1
							strOS = "Windows Vista "          & objDictionary.Item(.OSArchitecture)
						Case 2, 3
							strOS = "Windows Server 2008 "    & objDictionary.Item(.OSArchitecture)
					End Select
				Case "6.1.7600", "6.1.7601"
					Select Case objSWbemObjectEx.ProductType
						Case 1
							strOS = "Windows 7 "              & objDictionary.Item(.OSArchitecture)
						Case 2, 3
							strOS = "Windows Server 2008 R2 " & objDictionary.Item(.OSArchitecture)
					End Select
				Case Else
					' Other
			End Select
			Select Case .OSLanguage
				Case 1033
					strOS = strOS & " ENU"
				Case 1049
					strOS = strOS & " RUS"
				Case Else
					' Other
			End Select
			Exit For
		End With
	Set objDictionary = Nothing
	WScript.Echo strOS
	GetStandardWindowsVersion = strOS
End Function

Здесь мы в начале скрипта перечисляем (по-хорошему, надо сие перечисление выносить во внешний ini/xml-файл) файлы обновлений соответственно версий, платформ и языка ОС. Основной вопрос, как обычно — правильно ли сии составляющие определяются.

Отправлено: 05:52, 02-07-2012 | #14