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Аватара для KuroiNeko


Сообщения: 153
Благодарности: 1

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Цитата Petya V4sechkin:
KuroiNeko, нужен лог во время глюка. »
Я так и сделал, мб не успел что?...
ну вот на этот раз точно на пике поймал, он долго держался, просто прыгает туда сюда...
читать дальше »
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<         KERNRATE LOG           >
Date: 2012/06/08   Time:  8:21:12
Machine Name: OTAKU
Number of Processors: 2
Physical Memory: 3328 MB
Pagefile Total: 5215 MB
Virtual Total: 2047 MB
PageFile1: \??\C:\pagefile.sys, 2046MB
OS Version: 5.1 Build 2600 Service-Pack: 3.0

Kernrate Executable Location: C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\KUROI NEKO\╨рсюўшщ ёЄюы

Kernrate User-Specified Command Line:
C:\Documents and Settings\Kuroi Neko\╨рсюўшщ ёЄюы\KernRate.exe

Kernel Profile (PID = 0): Source= Time,
Using Kernrate Default Rate of 25000 events/hit
Starting to collect profile data

***> Press ctrl-c to finish collecting profile data
===> Finished Collecting Data, Starting to Process Results

------------Overall Summary:--------------

P0     K 0:00:04.578 (49.1%)  U 0:00:00.203 ( 2.2%)  I 0:00:04.546 (48.7%)  DPC
0:00:00.031 ( 0.3%)  Interrupt 0:00:04.234 (45.4%)
       Interrupts= 15340, Interrupt Rate= 1644/sec.

P1     K 0:00:04.281 (45.9%)  U 0:00:00.125 ( 1.3%)  I 0:00:04.921 (52.8%)  DPC
0:00:00.031 ( 0.3%)  Interrupt 0:00:04.125 (44.2%)
       Interrupts= 6376, Interrupt Rate= 684/sec.

TOTAL  K 0:00:08.859 (47.5%)  U 0:00:00.328 ( 1.8%)  I 0:00:09.468 (50.8%)  DPC
0:00:00.062 ( 0.3%)  Interrupt 0:00:08.359 (44.8%)
       Total Interrupts= 21716, Total Interrupt Rate= 2328/sec.

Total Profile Time = 9328 msec

                                       BytesStart          BytesStop         Byt
    Available Physical Memory   ,      1825284096,      1819361280,        -5922
    Available Pagefile(s)       ,      3624091648,      3594776576,       -29315
    Available Virtual           ,      2131849216,      2130800640,        -1048
    Available Extended Virtual  ,               0,               0,
    Committed Memory Bytes      ,      1845243904,      1873920000,        28676
    Non Paged Pool Usage Bytes  ,        43839488,        44900352,         1060
    Paged Pool Usage Bytes      ,       100515840,       100704256,          188
    Paged Pool Available Bytes  ,       272777216,       272588800,         -188
    Free System PTEs            ,          160110,          160086,

                                  Total      Avg. Rate
    Context Switches     ,        56845,         6094/sec.
    System Calls         ,       225173,         24139/sec.
    Page Faults          ,        20451,         2192/sec.
    I/O Read Operations  ,         1269,         136/sec.
    I/O Write Operations ,          681,         73/sec.
    I/O Other Operations ,         3534,         379/sec.
    I/O Read Bytes       ,     13330162,         10504/ I/O
    I/O Write Bytes      ,      7594301,         11152/ I/O
    I/O Other Bytes      ,       539515,         153/ I/O


Results for Kernel Mode:

OutputResults: KernelModuleCount = 138
Percentage in the following table is based on the Total Hits for the Kernel

Time   7293 hits, 25000 events per hit --------
 Module                                Hits   msec  %Total  Events/Sec
INTELPPM                               3632       9328    49 %     9734133
HAL                                    3063       9328    41 %     8209155
TUKERNEL                                470       9328     6 %     1259648
WIN32K                                   78       9328     1 %      209048
T3FILT                                   20       9328     0 %       53602
T3                                       17       9328     0 %       45561
ASWSP                                     3       9328     0 %        8040
NV4_DISP                                  2       9328     0 %        5360
NTFS                                      2       9328     0 %        5360
WATCHDOG                                  1       9328     0 %        2680
SPGO                                      1       9328     0 %        2680
ACPI                                      1       9328     0 %        2680
NV4_MINI                                  1       9328     0 %        2680
PORTCLS                                   1       9328     0 %        2680
NPFS                                      1       9328     0 %        2680

================================= END OF RUN ==================================
============================== NORMAL END OF RUN ==============================

Отправлено: 08:24, 08-06-2012 | #117