Цитата ineXPert:
проблема с какой-то службой Windows, которая некорректно обрабатывает именно первый запрос wmplayer.exe
К WMP относится только "Служба общих сетевых ресурсов проигрывателя Windows Media".
Цитата ineXPert:
Ошибка при выполнении приложения-сервера
Попробуйте запустить
Fix it.
Еще в
этой теме несколько вариантов, например:
When I tried to play a video (.mp4) from Windows Explorer, the first time I tried, it would take a long time to time out, and finally I would get the "Server Execution Failed" message. After I closed that message, and tried again, it always played ok.
Uninstalling QuickTime fixed this problem for me.
Ok, I figured out a workaround for my issue that doesn't involve modifying system DLLs. All you have to do is disable the UPnP Device Host service.