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Цитата VadimN96:
Объясните мне пожалуйста все параметры UnattendMode »
Есть справка, правда на английском языке, но понять можно. Чтоб её (справку) не искать, вот всё , что касается пункта UnattendMode :
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Defines the unattended mode to use during GUI-mode Setup.
Syntax UnattendMode = DefaultHide | FullUnattended | GuiAttended | ProvideDefault | ReadOnly
DefaultHide :
Specifies that answers in the answer file are defaults. Unlike UnattendMode = ProvideDefault, Setup
does not display the user interface to end users if you specify in the answer file all the answers relating
to a particular Setup page. If you specify only subsets of the answers on a page, the page appears
with the provided answers. The end user can modify any of the answers on the displayed page.
Use UnattendMode = DefaultHide in deployment scenarios where an administrator might want only
end users to provide the administrator password on the computer. This behavior is the default if you
do not specify unattended mode.
Specifies a fully unattended GUI-mode Setup. If you do not specify a required Setup answer in the
answer file, Setup generates an error.
During an attended Setup, improperly signed hardware drivers generate a warning dialog box. If UnattendMode = FullUnattended, then Setup does not install hardware drivers unless they are properly signed.
Use UnattendMode = FullUnattended in deployment scenarios where you require a complete
unattended installation.
Specifies an attended GUI-mode section of Setup. When specified, the end user must answer all
questions in the GUI-mode portion of Setup before Setup finishes.
Use UnattendMode = GuiAttended in preinstallation scenarios when you want to automate only
text-mode Setup.
Specifies default answers in the answer file. In this case, Setup displays these default answers
to the end user, who can change them if they are not appropriate.
Use UnattendMode = ProvideDefault in preinstallation scenarios where the OEM or administrator
wants to give the person setting up the computer the option to change the predefined default
answers (especially network options).
Specifies read-only answers in the answer file if the Windows Setup pages containing these answers
appear to the end user. Like UnattendMode = ProvideDefault, no user interface appears if the
answer file contains all the answers on a page. Unlike UnattendMode = DefaultHide, however,
the end user can specify only new answers on a displayed page.
Use UnattendMode = ReadOnly in scenarios where an administrator wants to force specific
answers on one page but not others.
Default Value : DefaultHide
Example : UnattendMode = FullUnattended
Comments :The default value is DefaultHide when you do not specify the entry.
When you specify this entry, it fully automates text-mode Setup with or without the necessary
Последний раз редактировалось shao, 30-01-2011 в 23:52.
Отправлено: 23:19, 30-01-2011
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