Вынул одну планку памяти. Проверил память с помощью Memory Diagnostics Tool. Результатом служит следующая информация:
The Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected hardware errors. To identify and repair these problems, contact the computer manufacturer
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+ System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-MemoryDiagnostics-Results
[ Guid] {5F92BC59-248F-4111-86A9-E393E12C6139}
EventID 1102
Version 0
Level 2
Task 0
Opcode 0
Keywords 0x8000000000000000
- TimeCreated
[ SystemTime] 2011-01-28T10:32:15.570400000Z
EventRecordID 25149
- Execution
[ ProcessID] 2840
[ ThreadID] 2844
Channel System
Computer fcktoreal
- Security
[ UserID] S-1-5-18
- UserData
- Results
LaunchType Unknown
CompletionType Fail
MemorySize 2046
TestType 10
TestDuration 664
TestCount 12
NumPagesTested 522795
NumPagesUnTested 1123
NumBadPages 1
T1NumBadPages 1
T2NumBadPages 1
T3NumBadPages 1
T4NumBadPages 1
T5NumBadPages 1
T6NumBadPages 1
T7NumBadPages 1
T8NumBadPages 1
T9NumBadPages 1
T10NumBadPages 1
T11NumBadPages 1
T12NumBadPages 1
T13NumBadPages 0
T14NumBadPages 0
T15NumBadPages 0
T16NumBadPages 0
Сейчас сделаю то же самое со второй планкой памяти.
The Windows Memory Diagnostic tested the computer's memory and detected no errors
Всё, вроде бы, ясно. Посмотрим, как система будет вести себя с 2GB памяти.