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Цитата Creat0R:
Какая у тебя версия AutoIt, не 2.x случаем? »
То что третья версия - 100%, установка была с autoit-v3.2.0.1-setup.exe
Цитата Creat0R:
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Запускаю, лог ошибок
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C:\AutoIt_Path_Switcher\AutoIt_Path_Switcher.au3(291,77) : ERROR: FileSelectFolder() [built-in] called with wrong number of args.
$Sel_AutoIt_Dir = FileSelectFolder($a_Msgs[17], "", 0, $Init_Au3_Dir, $GUI)
C:\AutoIt_Path_Switcher\AutoIt_Path_Switcher.au3(299,55) : ERROR: MsgBox() [built-in] called with wrong number of args.
MsgBox(262144+48, $a_Msgs[18], $a_Msgs[21], 0, $GUI)
C:\AutoIt_Path_Switcher\AutoIt_Path_Switcher.au3(319,51) : ERROR: MsgBox() [built-in] called with wrong number of args.
If MsgBox(48+4, $a_Msgs[18], $a_Msgs[16], 0, $GUI)
C:\AutoIt_Path_Switcher\AutoIt_Path_Switcher.au3(333,66) : ERROR: MsgBox() [built-in] called with wrong number of args.
MsgBox(48, $AppName & " - " & $a_Msgs[19], $a_Msgs[23], 0, $GUI)
C:\AutoIt_Path_Switcher\AutoIt_Path_Switcher.au3(157,29) : ERROR: ShellExecute(): undefined function.
C:\AutoIt_Path_Switcher\AutoIt_Path_Switcher.au3 - 5 error(s), 0 warning(s)

Автоматизация прежде всего....

Отправлено: 09:29, 05-11-2010 | #20