В хождении по сотни ссылок было найдена:
"нужно удалить Update for Microsoft Windows (KB948609) и перегрузить сервер"
Такого обновления у меня не имелось.
Поэтому пришлось делать так:
1 удалить все .нет пакеты
2 затем удалить ISS
установить заново IIS
3 установить .net 2.0 + sp + 3.5 + sp
следим чтоб обновления KB948609 не устанавливались.(хотя так и не видел их)
4 затем удаляем Client Access Role
устанавливаем Client Access Role
5 отключаем ОА ставим RPC over HTTPS
включаем ОА.
+ у меня была такая ошибка в сонсоли
Microsoft Exchange Warning
The following warning(s) were reported while loading topology information:
Outlook Web Access has detected an inconsistency in the Active Directory configuration for the following virtual directories. This can happen if Outlook Web Access virtual directories were deleted in Internet Services Manager. Verify that you have access to the metabase on the servers listed below. To correct this inconsistency, run the following command: Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "Exchange (Default Web Site)". Running this command will remove references to these virtual directories from the Active Directory directory service."Exchange (Default Web Site)"
Outlook Web Access has detected an inconsistency in the Active Directory configuration for the following virtual directories. This can happen if Outlook Web Access virtual directories were deleted in Internet Services Manager. Verify that you have access to the metabase on the servers listed below. To correct this inconsistency, run the following command: Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "Public (Default Web Site)". Running this command will remove references to these virtual directories from the Active Directory directory service."Public (Default Web Site)"
Outlook Web Access has detected an inconsistency in the Active Directory configuration for the following virtual directories. This can happen if Outlook Web Access virtual directories were deleted in Internet Services Manager. Verify that you have access to the metabase on the servers listed below. To correct this inconsistency, run the following command: Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "Exadmin (Default Web Site)". Running this command will remove references to these virtual directories from the Active Directory directory service."Exadmin (Default Web Site)"
Делаем что просят всё работает.