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У меня Audigy 2ZS
Себе делал так:
Дано: Audigy 2 ZS OEM с белым разъемом J1, Inwin S535 с миниджеками для наушников и микрофона на передней панели.
Схему контактов на корпусе я не нашел, но, к счастью, корпус успешно подключался к встроенному звуку на матери, от которой есть нормальная дока.
Итак, на корпусе
2 ... . 10
1 ..... 9
Pin Signal Name Function
1 AUD_MIC Front Panel Microphone input signal
2 AUD_GND Ground used by Analog Audio Circuits
3 AUD_MIC_BIAS Microphone Power
4 AUD_VCC Filtered +5 V used by Analog Audio Circuits
5 AUD_FPOUT_R Right Channel Audio signal to Front Panel
6 AUD_RET_R Right Channel Audio signal to Return from Front Panel
7 HP_ON Reserved for future use to control Headphone Amplifier
8 KEY No Pin
9 AUD_FPOUT_L Left Channel Audio signal to Front Panel
10 AUD_RET_L Left Channel Audio signal Return from Front Panel
На Audigy
1 - Analog Ground
2 - Analog Headphone Out Left
3 - Audio Backpanel Mute -- short to ground to mute the backpanel (when headphones are plugged in)
4 - Analog Headphone Out Right
5 - same as #3
6 - Mic input from front panel
7 - key pin (shouldn't be there)
8 - VREF out -- voltage reference for Mic
9 - MIC IN MUTE -- ground when mic isn't plugged in, +12VDC when mic is plugged in
10 - Audio cable detect -- will be ground when headphones are plugged in (not normally used)
Отправлено: 22:06, 24-03-2010
| #7