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Можно попробывать так:

Код: Выделить весь код
; Windows - copy with progress
; Author - JdeB

;~ 4 Do not display a progress dialog box.
;~ 8 Give the file being operated on a new name in a move, copy, or rename operation if a file with the target name already exists.
;~ 16 Respond with "Yes to All" for any dialog box that is displayed.
;~ 64 Preserve undo information, if possible.
;~ 128 Perform the operation on files only if a wildcard file name (*.*) is specified.
;~ 256 Display a progress dialog box but do not show the file names.
;~ 512 Do not confirm the creation of a new directory if the operation requires one to be created.
;~ 1024 Do not display a user interface if an error occurs.
;~ 2048 Version 4.71. Do not copy the security attributes of the file.
;~ 4096 Only operate in the local directory. Don't operate recursively into subdirectories.
;~ 8192 Version 5.0. Do not copy connected files as a group. Only copy the specified files.

_FileCopy('D:\Test.tmp', 'C:\')

Func _FileCopy($sFrom, $sTo)
    $wShell = ObjCreate('Shell.Application')
    $wShell.NameSpace($sTo).CopyHere($sFrom, 128)
EndFunc   ;==>_FileCopy

Отправлено: 18:38, 02-02-2010 | #18