Не, Default user это Default user, а Current user это Current User.
Default User это преднастроенный профиль пользователя который используется как шаблон при создании новых пользователей(с любыми правами).
Axiles_UA, а вот тебе инфа как настроить этот профиль при помощи sysprep, но только при создании образа системы.
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/959753 впринципе ты и так всё делал по этой инструкции, но может всё-таки что-нибудь упустил.
А это что sysprep делать не умеет:
Обрати внимание:
"Overwritten default user profile
If another user profile has been copied over the default user profile, Microsoft does not support the use of Sysprep to create a new image of the installation."
Кстатии кое-кто уже нашёл решение по этой проблеме:
"Attn: Ben
I have setup a Vista platform and have customized many settings within the Built-In Administrator account and have set the "copyprofile" command in the unattend.xml file to "True".
The Bottom Line:
The "copyprofile" setting in the unattend.xml has issues. The copyprofile setting DOES NOT work on some settings. When running the following command,there are "many" customizations that not copied to the "Default" profile:
"sysprep/generalize /oobe /shutdown /unattend:c:\windows\system32\sysprep\unattend.xml"
There are certain settings that DO work (ex: desktop icons that are setup on the Built-In Administrator accounts are transferred to a the "Default" profile), but there are many other settings that are not passed to the "Default" NTUSER.DAT file.
It almost seems like the "copyprofile" feature refuses to copy the Built-In Administrator's NTUSER.DAT file to the "Default" profile.
If I manually load the "Default" NTUSER.DAT hive, make the customizations, and unload the hive....then run sysprep...then all the settings stick and everything is customized the way it is suppose to be.
Quite frankly, I think the "copyprofile" setting is quite useless because it doesn't work. It's junk.
Frustrated to say the least...
Thanks, Dave"
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