Нашел вот такой совет как заменить msvcrt.dll
To resolve this issue, use the Windows XP Recovery Console to replace the Msvcrt.dll file with the original version. To do this, follow these steps:
Insert your Windows XP CD-ROM into the computer's CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive, and then restart your computer from the CD-ROM.
NOTE: Some computers may require that you modify the basic input/output system (BIOS) settings before you can start the computer from a CD-ROM. For information about how to modify BIOS, see your computer documentation.
At the Welcome to Setup screen, press R to start the Recovery Console.
Press the number key that corresponds to the installation that you want to repair, and then press ENTER.
Type the Administrator password, and then press ENTER.
With the Windows XP CD-ROM still in the CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive, type the following commands, pressing ENTER after each command:
cd system32
ren msvcrt.dll msvcrt.old
cd \i386
expand msvcrt.dl_ BootDriveLetter:\windows\system32
но у меня ноутбучный DVD ROM не читает диски, что-то с ним случилось. У меня есть внешний USB DVD привод LG, можно с него загрузиться?