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Extended Outpost Uninstall/Reinstall Instructions
A few preliminary steps to follow BEFORE uninstallation begins:
1. Download a NEW Copy of Outpost from Agnitum BEFORE uninstallation.
2. If applicable, make sure that you do the uninstallation and the installation with a User account having administrative rights.
3. Make sure that Outpost Firewall and the Outpost service are stopped before starting the uninstallation. Right-click on the Outpost icon and 'Exit and Shutdown Outpost'.
4. Go to JV16 Power Tools and download the jv16 Power Tools application. This is an excellent application for getting eliminating registry remnants from old uninstalled programs. Install this on your PC.
5. Open Windows Exlporer and from the menu choose Tools -> Folder Options. Click on the 'View' tab and make sure that Windows Explorer is setup to view hidden files and folders.
Uninstallation (after completing steps 1 through 5 above):
1. Uninstall Outpost by going to Start -> Program Files (All Programs) -> Agnitum -> Outpost Firewall 1.0 and choose 'Uninstall Outpost Firewall'. Follow the prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
2. At the end of the uninstallation, you may be prompted to reboot. Whether this happens or not, it is advisable that you reboot at this point.
3. File System Cleaning (applicability will vary with OS, so if some directory, like Prefetch, does not exist on your PC, then skip it.)
a) Make sure the Agnitum directory is deleted from the Program Files directory. If you use other Agnitum Products, the just make sure that the Outpost Firewall part of the Agnitum directory is deleted from C:\Program Files directory.
b) Clean all files out of C:\Windows\Temp
c) Clean all files out of C:\Windows\Prefetch
d) Clean all files out of C:\Documents and Settings\youraccount\Local Settings\Temp. The exact path may vary slightly with your Operating System. The point is to try and clean your User accounts Temp directrory. This will probably not be applicable on single user 95, 98, or Me systems.
e) Make sure that the 'Agnitum Shared' directory is deleted from the following path:
C:\Program Files\Common Files
f) Delete any remaining Start Menu shortcuts for Outpost.
4. jv16 Power Tools: Completing Registry Cleaning (OPTIONAL, this step is optional but may be potentially helpful with difficult uninstallation problems. I strongly recommend it.)
a) Download and install jv16 Power Tools. This should have already been done if you followed the preliminary steps.
b) Run jv16 Power Tools and click on the 'Registry Tool' button. That will open the main registry tool window.
c) Now you should see a list of applications that are documented in the registry. Sort this list alphabetically by clicking on the 'Author' item just above the column with the application names. If it appears in reverse alphabetical order, just click on 'Author' one more time and the list of applications will appear alphabetically.
d) Scroll down until you see the Agnitum entries. Place a check in the box next to every entry with 'Agnitum' appearing either in the 'Author' or 'Software' column. You may need to scroll down. While some entries are recognized as being authored by Agnitum, others may not. So it is important to scroll through the whole list and mark all entries related to Agnitum. If you are not sure of an entry, do not place a check there. Be sure to look closely at the [Unknown] entries at the end of the list to see if an Agnitum entry is listed there.
e) After you have found all of the Agnitum entries and placed a check in each of the boxes next to them, click the 'Remove' button located at the bottom of the Registry Tools window.
f) After removal of the application entries is completed, choose Tools -> Registry Cleaner from the menu.
g) The Registry Cleaner will appear with an 'Options' screen. Please ensure that ONLY the 'I want to verify deleted entries' is checked. NO other option should be checked. Make a setting of 'Sometimes' under 'Update screen while scanning'. When finished with this, press 'Continue'.
h) Make sure that ALL items are checked under 'Select performed scanned'.
i) Press the 'Start' button to execute the scan.
j) After the scan has completed, choose Select -> All from the menu.
k) Click on the 'Remove' button in the lower right corner of the Registry Cleaner window.
l) After completing this process, click the 'Close' button to close the Registry Cleaner window.
m) Then click 'Close' to close the Registry Tools window.
n) Finally, click 'Exit' to close jv16 Power Tools.
o) Reboot your PC.
5. Upon successful system startup, install Outpost using the new installation file that you downloaded in the preliminary steps above. It is very important that you be logged in as Administrator or into an account with administrative privledges before attempting to install Outpost.
At this point, Outpost should function properly. I have personally used every step noted to you in this post without incident. I hope that these steps help you solve your problem. The same steps can and should be repeated in Safe Mode if you are having difficulty.
1. Make sure that your anti-virus is disabled.
2. Make sure that your anti-trojan protection is disabled.
3. Make sure no other applications are running.
4. Make sure that you disable any sandbox or system access protection application.
5. Make sure that you disable any ad-monitoring software or proxies.
6. Make sure that any internet connection information program, packet sniffer, or capture utility is disabled. These should not be used with Outpost at all.
7. If upgrading using the Auto Update in Outpost feature does not work properly, shutdown and exit Outpost and run the update from the Start Menu.
8. You must be logged in as Administrator or to any account with Administrative privledges before attempting to install or update Outpost.
If the steps above do not help, we will continue to help to the limits of our ability here in the forum. However, it may become necessary for you to contact Agnitum directly if problems with Outpost still exist after following this Uninstall/Install procedure and the associated guidelines.
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