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Название темы: net-worm.kido.ep
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Dr. Piligrim

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Благодарности: 519

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Цитата mishanya85:
Убедитесь, что службы криптографии запущены на данном компьютере »
Восстановление Службы криптографии: твик реестра
Код: Выделить весь код
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Description"="Provides three management services: Catalog Database Service, which confirms the signatures of Windows files; Protected Root Service, which adds and removes Trusted Root Certification Authority certificates from this computer; and Key Service, which helps enroll this computer for certificates. If this service is stopped, these management services will not function properly. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start."
"DisplayName"="Cryptographic Services"



готовый reg файл

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Отправлено: 10:31, 20-01-2009 | #7

Название темы: net-worm.kido.ep