http://garr.dl.sourceforge.net/sourc...t/gs854w32.exe винраром или другим архивтором, поддеживающим распаковку zip-архивов
тихо ставить так
setupgs.exe "%programfiles%\gs"
Ссылки для размышления
Feb 23 2005, 10:35 AM
This is in reply to a previous post (see reference at bottom).
It's not so hard to install GhostScript and Ghostview silently. But you need to mind the quotes, because if you don't, you get the error messages mentioned in the previous post.
I know the code is trivial , but I just want to tell people they don't have to follow the other somewhat more extensive method.
Unzip Ghostscript and GhostView in e.g. : install\Ghostscript and install\GSView directory. Put the following in your installation batch file: (btw. I prefer using %programfiles% instead of %systemdrive%).
@echo off
cd install\GhostScript
setupgs.exe "%programfiles%\gs"
cd ..\GSView
setup.exe "%programfiles%\gv"