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eXtremer 11-06-2007 17:13 598034

Shortcuts don't Run - Unable to run this command
A few days ago I've noticed that shortcuts from Start>Programs on 2 computers in my classroom don't work.
I receive this error when I want to execute any program from Start Menu: Windows Explorer - Unable to run this command.

But when I go to the location when the program is installed for example in C:\Program Files\Textpad\textpad.exe - the program is executing, just the shortcut don't work.
So what could be the problem ? FS is NTFS, the user has the read&execute permission...I didn't made any changes to the system, just deleted all folders/files from Partition D: that has 100 Mb several days ago.
I think the problem is in registry...don't know for sure, I'm waiting for a reply.
10x in advance

amel27 12-06-2007 12:11 598340


- open properties of shortcut and check all parameters, first of all path of file and folder;
- create new shortcut via Explorer in program directory and test it, if it work compare with original shorcut.

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