kopychan@vk |
05-07-2020 22:45 2927375 |
php кнопка с открытием в новом окне
Нужно, чтобы при нажатии на кнопку открывалось новое окно (или хотя бы новая вкладка)
Пробовал разные способы, ругается то на =, то на '
<button type="submit" name="vote_id" value="'.$site['vote_id'].'" class="btn btn-primary" role="button">Vote Now</button>';
Полный php этой страницы
PHP код:
if(!defined('COMMON_INITIATED')) { die("Hacking attempt! Logged"); }
if( !empty($setmodules) ) { $file = basename(__FILE__); $module[_l('Vote')][_l('Vote for GP')] = $file; return; }
# Title $lefttitle = _l('Vote for Game Points');
# To make life simpler, we'll capture all the print # output from here on out and append it to the $out variable # at the end of this script ob_start();
# Security check if ($this_script == $script_name) {
# Only logged in users can access this page if($isuser) {
# Setup some variables $page = request_var('page', ''); $enabled = (isset($config['vote_enabled'])) ? (boolean)$config['vote_enabled'] : true; $max_gp = (isset($config['vote_max_gp'])) ? $config['vote_max_gp'] : 4; $min_gp = (isset($config['vote_min_gp'])) ? $config['vote_min_gp'] : 1; $minimum_level = (isset($config['vote_minimum_level'])) ? (int)$config['vote_minimum_level'] : 0; $minimum_play_min = (isset($config['vote_minimum_play_min'])) ? (int)$config['vote_minimum_play_min'] : 0;
# Get the game points information $giveGamePoints = 0;
if ($max_gp <= 0) { $max_gp = 4; }
if ($min_gp <= 0) { $min_gp = 1; }
if ($max_gp < $min_gp) { $max_gp = $min_gp; }
if ($max_gp < 1 || $min_gp < 1) { $giveGamePoints = random_float($min_gp, $max_gp); } else { $giveGamePoints = rand($min_gp, $max_gp); }
# Enable or disable this feature if(!$enabled) { $out .= message(_l('Sorry, this feature has been disabled by the administrator.'), _l('Disabled'), 'warning'); return 0; }
# Let's check the character's level and play min if($minimum_level > 0 || $minimum_play_min > 0) { connectdatadb(); $char_sql = sprintf("SELECT B.Lv, G.TotalPlayMin FROM tbl_base AS B INNER JOIN tbl_general as G ON B.serial = G.serial WHERE B.DCK = 0 AND B.AccountSerial = %d", $userdata['serial']); if(!($char_query = mssql_query($char_sql))) { $out .= sql_error('An SQL ERROR Occurred query character database'); return 0; }
# Accumulated variables $totalPlayMin = 0; $highestLevel = 0;
# Loop through data while($row = mssql_fetch_array($char_query)) { if($row['Lv'] > $highestLevel) { $highestLevel = (int)$row['Lv']; } $totalPlayMin += $row['TotalPlayMin']; }
# Do checks now: Minimum play min if($minimum_play_min > 0 && $totalPlayMin < $minimum_play_min) { $out .= message(_l('Sorry, you need a total accumulated play time of %d minutes to vote. You currently only have %d minutes.', $minimum_play_min, $totalPlayMin), _l('Vote Requirements Not Meet'), 'warning'); return 0; }
# Minimum level if($minimum_level > 0 && $highestLevel < $minimum_level) { $out .= message(_l('Sorry, you need at least one level %d character to vote. Your highest character currently is only level %d.', $minimum_level, $highestLevel), _l('Vote Requirements Not Meet'), 'warning'); return 0; } }
# Fetch our classes... connectgamecpdb(); $site_sql = "SELECT vote_id, vote_site_name, vote_site_url, vote_site_image, vote_reset_time FROM gamecp_vote_sites"; if(!($site_query = mssql_query($site_sql, $gamecp_dbconnect))) { $out .= sql_error('An SQL ERROR Occurred query the vote sites database'); return 0; }
# Loop through our class data $voteSites = array(); while ($site = mssql_fetch_array($site_query)) { $voteSites[$site['vote_id']] = $site; }
# Total vote sites $totalVoteSites = count($voteSites); if($totalVoteSites == 0) { $out .= message(_l('Sorry, no vote sites have been added so this feature has been disabled.'), _l('Disabled'), 'warning'); return 0; }
# Fetch user's vote info $vote_sql = sprintf("SELECT user_id, user_points, user_vote_timestamp FROM gamecp_gamepoints WHERE user_account_id = '%d'", $userdata['serial']); if(!($vote_query = mssql_query($vote_sql, $gamecp_dbconnect))) { $out .= sql_error('An SQL ERROR Occurred query the user vote sites database'); return 0; }
if(!($userVote = mssql_fetch_array($vote_query))) { $out .= message(_l('Error occurred when attempting to fetch your vote site information.'), _l('Error'), 'warning'); return 0; }
# Gather the user info $userVoteTimeStamp = (isset($userVote['user_vote_timestamp'])) ? trim($userVote['user_vote_timestamp']) : '';
# Split the user's vote timestamps into an array $split_raw_timestamp = explode(",", $userVoteTimeStamp);
$userSplitTimeStamps = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($split_raw_timestamp); $i++) { if($split_raw_timestamp[$i] == '') { continue; } $split_info = explode(":", $split_raw_timestamp[$i]); $split_id[] = $split_info[0]; $userSplitTimeStamps[$split_info[0]] = $split_info[1]; }
# Vote for site if($page == 'vote-now') {
# User data $vote_id = request_var('vote_id', 0);
# Triggers / Data $voted = false; $insertTimestamp = ''; $redirectUrl = '';
# We may have a first time user, so the timestamp data might be empty # Thus, we need to treat them differently (no comparison and checks needed) if(empty($userSplitTimeStamps)) {
foreach($voteSites as $site) { # If the vote id matches, we'll add the current timestamp, else 0 if($vote_id == $site['vote_id']) { $insertTimestamp .= $site['vote_id'].':'.time(); $redirectUrl = $site['vote_site_url']; $voted = true; } else { $insertTimestamp .= $site['vote_id'].':'.'0'; }
# Add ending comma $insertTimestamp .= ', '; }
# If voted is true if($voted == true) { # Remove last comma in the statement $insertTimestamp = substr(trim($insertTimestamp), 0, -1);
# Update the game cp database $update_sql = sprintf("UPDATE gamecp_gamepoints SET user_vote_timestamp = '%s', user_points = user_points + %d WHERE user_account_id = '%d'", $insertTimestamp, $giveGamePoints, $userdata['serial']); if(!($update_query = mssql_query($update_sql, $gamecp_dbconnect))) { $out .= sql_error('An SQL ERROR Occurred update the game points database'); return 0; } else { log_vote($user_serial, $ip, $giveGamePoints, ($userdata['user_points'] + $giveGamePoints)); header("Location: ".$redirectUrl); } } else { echo message(_l('Could not find the vote site you selected.'), _l('Vote Failed'), 'warning'); }
} else {
foreach($voteSites as $site) { # If the vote id matches, we'll add the current timestamp, else 0 if($vote_id == $site['vote_id']) { # Get time difference $time_difference = (time() - $userSplitTimeStamps[$site['vote_id']]);
# Have we voted? if($time_difference >= $site['vote_reset_time']) { $insertTimestamp .= $site['vote_id'].':'.time(); $redirectUrl = $site['vote_site_url']; $voted = true; } } else { $timestamp = (isset($userSplitTimeStamps[$site['vote_id']])) ? $userSplitTimeStamps[$site['vote_id']] : '0'; $insertTimestamp .= $site['vote_id'].':'.$timestamp; }
# Add ending comma $insertTimestamp .= ','; }
# If voted is true if($voted == true) { # Remove last comma in the statement $insertTimestamp = substr(trim($insertTimestamp), 0, -1);
# Update the game cp database $update_sql = sprintf("UPDATE gamecp_gamepoints SET user_vote_timestamp = '%s', user_points = user_points + %d WHERE user_account_id = '%d'", $insertTimestamp, $giveGamePoints, $userdata['serial']); if(!($update_query = mssql_query($update_sql, $gamecp_dbconnect))) { $out .= sql_error('An SQL ERROR Occurred update the game points database'); return 0; } else { log_vote($user_serial, $ip, $giveGamePoints, ($userdata['user_points'] + $giveGamePoints)); header("Location: ".$redirectUrl); }
} else { echo message(_l('You have either already voted for this site or the site you selected does not exist.'), _l('Vote Failed'), 'warning'); }
# Default page } else {
echo '<div class="row">'; $inc = 0; foreach($voteSites as $site) { $userTimeStamp = (isset($userSplitTimeStamps[$site['vote_id']])) ? $userSplitTimeStamps[$site['vote_id']] : 0; $time_difference = (time() - $userTimeStamp); echo '<form method="POST" action="?do='.$do.'&page=vote-now">'; echo ' <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4">'; echo ' <div class="thumbnail">'; echo ' <div class="caption">'; echo ' <h3 class="text-center">'.$site['vote_site_name'].'</h3>'; echo ' <p class="text-center">'; if($time_difference < $site['vote_reset_time']) { $time_remaining = hrs_mins_secs($site['vote_reset_time'] - $time_difference); echo ' <button name="vote_id" value="'.$site['vote_id'].'" class="btn btn-primary" disabled="disabled" role="button">' . $time_remaining['hours'] . ' Hr ' . $time_remaining['minutes'] . ' Min ' . $time_remaining['seconds'] . ' Sec</button>'; } else { echo ' <button type="submit" name="vote_id" value="'.$site['vote_id'].'" class="btn btn-primary" role="button">Vote Now</button>'; } echo ' </p>'; echo ' </div>'; echo ' </div>'; echo ' </div>'; echo '</form>'; $inc++; } echo '</div>';
} else {
echo _l('no_permission');
} else {
echo _l('invalid_page_load');
# Append data to the $out variable $out .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();