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wbmh 27-10-2016 12:15 2682071

Как сделать резервную копию контактов на андроид компьютер?
It is always a great idea to back up the phone content so that you won’t lose important contacts and data on the device in case of an emergency. Even in situations of updating the device, you can backup the contacts that exist on the phone before starting the update. Although this is not a must, there are possibilities of losing data on the phone and the contacts as well. Here, we will look at how to backup contacts Android to the computer.

As you know, the computer won't detect your phone contacts just via the usb connecting, you may need a third party app to help. Try Coolmuster Android Assistant.

Step 1:Connect Android Phone to pc
The first thing you need to do is to download and install the Android contacts manager on your pc and launch it. The next is connect your Android phone to pc via usb cable. Your device will appear on the screen. The manager would recognise your android device automatically.

Notice: If this is the you connect android phone to the problem on computer, you should enbale USB debugging first, and install a USB driver on your computer, then the app would detect your android phone automatically.

Step 2:Select Contacts and Start Export
You can find many icon on the left, find "Contacts" and click it, all contacts on your android phone will be listed on the right. Then select and check you want to transfer, at last click "Export" to start the work. By the way, you can click "New" on the top to add contacts to your android phone.

You can also learn how to backup text messages on Android

weewa 15-11-2016 05:52 2687668

Я знаю, специально разработанной андроид приложение резервного копирования данных, всего несколько простых шагов, чтобы передавать все с телефона на компьютер, и вам не нужно искоренить свой телефон, просто необходимо включить отладку USB на вашем телефоне.
android file transfer

how to transfer contacts from android to computer

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