Все тот же ControlSend
помогите, проблема с сендом до сих пор. Вот код
MsgBox(4096,"AvTobOT","Powered by ToSTeP",1) $Dir = @ScriptDir & '\AvToB0T.ini' $Icon = @ScriptDir & '\icon_Avtobot.ini' $war = IniRead($Dir, "section", "АКК", "0") If $war = 0 then Exit If $war > 0 Then $server = 0 $rep = 0 $sid = 0 $var = 0 $path = IniRead($Dir,'section','Path','') Local $x = 0 $P = 0 $Y = 0 $block = 0 $box = 0 Switch $path Case '' MsgBox(0,'ERROR','Не найдена дирректория!') Exit EndSwitch Do $y = 0 FileChangeDir($path) Run('UDOBot.exe') WinWait("UDOBot v3.0.2","") MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "winwait") WinMenuSelectItem("UDOBot v3.0.2","","Файл","Старт") MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "Select") $hError = 0 If WinExists("Information") Then $hError=WinGetHandle("Information") Switch WinGetText($hError) Case "The Invisible Bonus Box Codes have to be updated please wait untill we update them." MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "Идет обновление бонусных коробок.") ProcessClose('udobot.exe') Exit Case "Something is blocking UDOBot from connecting to the Server!" $block += 1 $y = 1 ProcessClose('udobot.exe') MsgBox(0,'ERROR','Something is blocking UDOBot from connecting to the Server!',2000) EndSwitch $hError = 0 If WinExists('ERROR') Then $hError=WinGetHandle('ERROR') Switch WinGetText($hError) case 'Received Error Code 41 from server!' $sid+=1 ProcessClose('udobot.exe') case 'Received Error Code 1 from server!' $rep+=1 ProcessClose('udobot.exe') EndSwitch EndIf MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "Error") WinClose($hError) WinWait("Открыть","Эл. управления дерева простран") MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "winwait2") ControlClick("Открыть","Эл. управления дерева простран","DirectUIHWND2") MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "winwait3") WinWait("UDOBot v3.0.2","") MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "winwait4") AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) Local $L = 0 $L = WinGetHandle("Открыть","Эл. управления дерева простран") ControlSend("Открыть", '', $L, '{TAB 8}') ControlSend("Открыть", '', $L, '{END}') ControlSend("Открыть", '', $L, '{ENTER}') Sleep(1000) AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars",0) MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", 'vse ok') Until $y = 0 If $war > 1 Then Do $y = 0 $x += 1 $var += 1 FileChangeDir($Path) Run('UDOBot.exe') WinWait("UDOBot v3.0.2","") WinSetState( "UDOBot v3.0.2", "", @SW_MINIMIZE ) WinMenuSelectItem("UDOBot v3.0.2","","Файл","Старт") $hError=0 If WinExists("Information") Then $hError=WinGetHandle("Information") Switch WinGetText($hError) Case "The Invisible Bonus Box Codes have to be updated please wait untill we update them." ProcessClose("UDOBot.exe") MsgBox(0, "Bonus Box", "Идет обновление бонусных коробок.", 120) ProcessClose("AvToB0t.exe") Case "Something is blocking UDOBot from connecting to the Server!" $block += 1 $y = 1 MsgBox(0,'ERROR','Something is blocking UDOBot from connecting to the Server!',3000) ProcessClose('udobot.exe') EndSwitch $hError = 0 If WinExists('ERROR') Then $hError=WinGetHandle('ERROR') Switch WinGetText($hError) case 'Received Error Code 41 from server!' $sid+=1 case 'Received Error Code 1 from server!' $rep+=1 EndSwitch EndIf WinClose($hError) WinWait("Открыть","Эл. управления дерева простран") WinWait("UDOBot v3.0.2") AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) $L = WinGetHandle("Открыть", "Эл. управления дерева простран") ControlSend("Открыть", '', $L, '{TAB 8}') ControlSend("Открыть", '', $L, '{END}') ControlSend("Открыть", '', $L, '{UP ' & $x & ' }') ControlSend("Открыть", '', $L, '{ENTER}') AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars",0) Sleep(1000) Until $var = $war - 1 And $x = 0 $P = $server + $sid + $rep + $block $Static = IniRead($Dir,'Section','Statistic','Default') If $Static = 1 Then MsgBox(0, 'Статистика', 'Всего незапущено аккаунтов: ' & $P & @LF & 'Из-за Error 41: ' & $sid & @LF & 'Кораблей разрушено: ' & $rep & @LF ) EndIf EndIf EndIf
в чем ошибка, проверил мсгбоксами, все робит, но сендом ничего не шлется, помогите!
Он просто пропускает его, хотя по идее не должен!