Пацаны! Это ж ох**ть крутая вещь обращаться к драйверу из pwsh без сторонних тулз и дллэлок! Надеюсь greg zakharov не будет против если скопипижжу его код отсюда прямо сюда.
Наглый копипаст
using namespace System.Text
using namespace System.Reflection
using namespace System.ComponentModel
using namespace System.Reflection.Emit
using namespace System.Linq.Expressions
using namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices
############# Accessing Beep driver without third party tools and assemblies ############
############# Add-Type cmdlet free ############
############# ############
if (![Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {
throw [InvalidOperationException]::new('PoC requires x64 system.')
$requires = @{GetProcAddress = [IntPtr]::Zero; GetModuleHandleW = [IntPtr]::Zero}
$ib = ($ps = Get-Process -Id $pid).Modules.Where{$_.ModuleName -match 'kernel32'}.BaseAddress
$va = [Marshal]::ReadInt32([IntPtr]([Marshal]::ReadInt32($ib, 0x3C) + $ib.ToInt64() + 0x88))
$nn = [Marshal]::ReadInt32($ib, $va + 0x18) # number of names
$af = [Marshal]::ReadInt32($ib, $va + 0x1C) # address of functions
$an = [Marshal]::ReadInt32($ib, $va + 0x20) # address of names
$tmp = $ib.ToInt64()
(0..($nn - 1)).ForEach{
if (($name = [Marshal]::PtrToStringAnsi(
[IntPtr]($tmp + [Marshal]::ReadInt32([IntPtr]($tmp + $an + $_ * 4)))
)) -in $requires.Keys) {
$requires[$name] = $tmp + [Marshal]::ReadInt32([IntPtr]($tmp + $af + $_ * 4))
$delegate = {
param([IntPtr]$a, [Type]$p, [CallingConvention]$cc = 'StdCall')
end {
$method = $p.GetMethod('Invoke')
$returntype, $parameters = $method.ReturnType, $method.GetParameters().ParameterType
$il = ($holder = [DynamicMethod]::new('Invoke', $returntype, $parameters, $p)).GetILGenerator()
if ($parameters) {
(0..($parameters.Length - 1)).ForEach{ $il.Emit([OpCodes]::ldarg, $_) }
$il.Emit([OpCodes]::ldc_i8, $a.ToInt64())
$il.EmitCalli([OpCodes]::calli, $cc, $returntype, $parameters)
$delegates = {
param([String]$d, [ScriptBlock]$s)
end {
$GetProcAddress = & $delegate $requires.GetProcAddress ([Func[IntPtr, String, IntPtr]])
$GetModuleHandle = & $delegate $requires.GetModuleHandleW ([Func[[Byte[]], IntPtr]])
if (($mod = $GetModuleHandle.Invoke([Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($d))) -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
throw [DllNotFoundException]::new("Cannot find $d library.")
$funcs = @{}
for ($i, $m, $fn, $p = 0, ([Expression].Assembly.GetType(
).GetMethod('MakeNewCustomDelegate', [BindingFlags]'NonPublic, Static')
), [Marshal].GetMethod('GetDelegateForFunctionPointer', ([IntPtr])),
$s.Ast.FindAll({$args[0].CommandElements}, $true).ToArray();
$i -lt $p.Length; $i++
) {
$fnret, $fname = ($def = $p[$i].CommandElements).Value
if (($fnsig = $GetProcAddress.Invoke($mod, $fname)) -eq [IntPtr]::Zero) {
throw [InvalidOperationException]::new("Cannot find $fname signature.")
$fnargs = $def.Pipeline.Extent.Text
[Object[]]$fnargs = [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($fnargs) ? $fnret : (
($fnargs -replace '\[|\]' -split ',\s+').ForEach{
$_.StartsWith('_') ? (Get-Variable $_.Remove(0, 1) -ValueOnly) : $_
} + $fnret
$funcs[$fname] = $fn.MakeGenericMethod(
[Delegate]::CreateDelegate([Func[[Type[]], Type]], $m).Invoke($fnargs)
).Invoke([Marshal], $fnsig)
Set-Variable -Name $d -Value $funcs -Scope Script -Force
$buf, $ptr, $ptr_ = [Byte[]], [IntPtr], [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()
& $delegates kernel32 {
bool CloseHandle([_ptr])
bool DeviceIoControl([_ptr, uint, _buf, uint, _ptr, uint, _buf, _ptr])
& $delegates ntdll {
void RtlInitUnicodeString([_buf, _buf])
int RtlNtStatusToDosError([int])
int NtCreateFile([_ptr_, int, _buf, _buf, _ptr, uint, uint, uint, uint, _ptr, uint])
$uni = [Byte[]]::new(($psz = [IntPtr]::Size) * 2) # UNICODE_STRING
$ntdll.RtlInitUnicodeString.Invoke($uni, [Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes('\Device\Beep'))
$isb = [Byte[]]::new($psz * 2) # IO_STATUS_BLOCK (take but not check)
try {
$gch = [GCHandle]::Alloc($uni, [GCHandleType]::Pinned)
[Byte[]]$obj = [BitConverter]::GetBytes($psz * 6) + (
,0 * (4 + $psz) # OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES initialization
) + [BitConverter]::GetBytes(
) + (,0 * ($psz * 3))
$hndl = [IntPtr]::Zero
if (0 -ne ($nts = $ntdll.NtCreateFile.Invoke(
[ref]$hndl, 0x80000000, $obj, $isb, [IntPtr]::Zero, 128, 1, 3, 0, [IntPtr]::Zero, 0
))) { throw [Win32Exception]::new($ntdll.RtlNtStatusToDosError.Invoke($nts)) }
[Byte[]]$beep = [BitConverter]::GetBytes(1000) + [BitConverter]::GetBytes(700)
$ret = [Byte[]]::new(4)
$hndl, (1 -shl 16), $beep, $beep.Length, [IntPtr]::Zero, 0, $ret, [IntPtr]::Zero
catch { Write-Host $_ }
finally {
if ($hndl -and $hndl -ne [IntPtr]::Zero) {
if (!$kernel32.CloseHandle.Invoke($hndl)) { Write-Warning 'device has not been released.' }
if ($gch) { $gch.Free() }