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Habetdin 17-08-2009 13:37 1195595

[addon] FreeFileSync - бесплатная утилита для сравнения и синхронизации данных
Аддон FreeFileSync v4.3

FreeFileSync - бесплатная утилита для сравнения и синхронизации данных с открытым исходным кодом. Программа оптимизирована для максимальной производительности, удобства работы и ее интерфейс не перегружен опциями.

Основные возможности программы:
  • Сравнение файлов (по размеру или по дате) и их синхронизация
  • Нет ограничения на количество сравниваемых файлов
  • Поддержка unicode
  • Поддержка сети
  • Синхронизация баз данных для поиска удаленных файлов и других конфликтов
  • Поддержка синхронизации с разными конфигурациями

Тип интеграции аддона: SVCPACK
Место установки: %ProgramFiles%\FreeFileSync
Ярлыки программы: Все программы\Утилиты\FreeFileSync
Тип лицензии: Freeware

Скачать аддон

Habetdin 15-10-2009 23:24 1244175

All, аддон обновлен до версии 2.3! :)

Habetdin 23-10-2009 20:28 1250675

All, аддон обновлен до версии 3.0! См. в шапке ;)

7ka 23-10-2009 20:59 1250697


Цитата Habetdin
FreeFileSync - бесплатная утилита для сравнения и синхронизации данных. »

:) а можно по подробней, что за синк каких "данных"?
поставил, поюзал, :( хня какато... зачем оно нужно не понял если все юзают командеры, но всяко комуто пригодится ;) автор малацом)

Habetdin 24-10-2009 00:37 1250910

7ka, не все пользуются TC + иногда нужна утилита лишь для синхронизации с широкими возможностями ;)

Habetdin 08-11-2009 01:24 1264357

All, обновил аддон до версии 3.1 :)

Цитата Changelog
- Support for multiple datasources in Automatic mode
- Copy file and folder create/access/modification times when synchronizing
- Progress dialog can be minimized to systray (Batch and GUI mode)
- Allow switching between silent/non-silent batch mode interactively
- Some GUI improvements

Habetdin 16-12-2009 19:01 1296994

All, обновил аддон до версии 3.2! :)

Habetdin 08-03-2010 01:40 1363360

Аддон обновлен до версии 3.4

kvkirichenko 08-03-2010 20:20 1363798

Habetdin, в шапке ссылка на оф сайт не парит

promel 08-03-2010 21:08 1363828

kvkirichenko, кого не парит? работать-работает... :)

Habetdin 10-05-2010 00:12 1410132


Цитата Habetdin
FreeFileSync v3.6 »

Habetdin 26-05-2010 19:57 1421765

All, версия 3.7 в шапке ;)

saavaage 23-06-2010 22:12 1440433

Habetdin, вышла версия 3.8

Habetdin 29-06-2010 13:37 1443788


Цитата Habetdin
Аддон FreeFileSync v3.8 »

Habetdin 25-08-2010 15:55 1481468



Changelog v3.9
Advanced locking strategy to allow multiple processes synchronize the same directories (e.g. via network share)
Merge multiple *.ffs_batch, *.ffs_gui files or combinations of both via drag & drop
Copy file and folder permissions (requires admin rights):
        - Windows: owner, group, DACL, SACL
        - Linux: owner, group, permissions
        - correctly handle Symbolic Links
        - new option in global settings
Compare by content evaluates Symbolic Links
32-Bit build compiled with MinGW/GCC to preserve Windows 2000 compatibility
RealtimeSync: Handle requests for device removal (USB stick) while monitoring
Sort by filesize: group symlinks before directories
Added macros %week%, %month%, %year% for creating time-stamped directories
Touch database file when changes occured only
Moved settings "file time tolerance" and "verify copied files" to GlobalSettings.xml
Updated translation files


Цитата Habetdin
Аддон FreeFileSync v3.9 »

Delirium 25-08-2010 16:31 1481502

Habetdin, было бы совсем чудесно, если бы было описание на русском, равно как и официальная страница. Я, конечно, тоже люблю писать по англ-ки, но многие админы(и это факт) сегодня в англицком ни бум бум. Так что ты теряешь потенциальных пользователей программы :)

Habetdin 01-10-2010 17:18 1509071


Цитата Habetdin
FreeFileSync v3.11 »

  • Fixed migration issue: reasonable default value for number of folder pairs
  • Better message box background color

Habetdin 07-12-2010 23:42 1560611


Цитата Habetdin
Аддон FreeFileSync v3.12 »

Habetdin 21-01-2011 18:24 1594147


Цитата Habetdin
Аддон FreeFileSync v3.13 »

читать дальше »


Changelog v3.13
Implemented Advanced User Interface to allow user specified layout customizations
Process case sensitive file/directory/symlink names
Synchronize name/attributes only avoiding full copy if appropriate
Prevent hibernation/sleep mode during comparison and synchronization (Windows)
New database format: single file for FreeFileSync 32 and 64 bit versions
        - full sync suggested before migrating to v3.13
        - old sync.x64.ffs_db files may be deleted
Improved algorithm to calculate remaining time
Allow resizing window containing multiple folder pairs
Show folder short names in column file name
Correctly report message "nothing to sync" in batch mode
Removed libjpg-8 dependency (Linux)
Fixed loading correct maximized position on multi-screen desktop
RealtimeSync: Removed blank icons in ALT-TAB list during execution of commandline
Show RealtimeSync job name as systray tooltip
Last used configurations as sorted list without size limitation
Remove redundant configuration when merging multiple ffs_gui/ffs_batch files
Warning if folder is modified that is part of multiple folder pairs
Aggregated warning messages for all folder pairs instead of one per pair
Added privilege to access restricted symlink content
Added Greek translation

Habetdin 04-04-2011 13:45 1650738



Changelog v3.14
New keyboard shortcuts: F5: compare F6: synchronize
Skip to next folder pair if fatal error occured (instead of abort)
Reload last selected configuration on startup
Abort with error when copying to empty directory field
Full log information after comparison (including file transfer)
Check read access for source file before overwriting target
Fixed possible application crash after comparison
Fixed possible network freeze when comparing
Maximum number of logfiles can be specified
Don't condense whitespace when loading XML configuration
RealtimeSync: Put executable name in quotes when parsing *.ffs_batch file
Large program icons - 256 x 256
Handle daylight saving time(DST) on FAT network shares
Skip DST handling if drive does not support accurate file times
Many small GUI/usability fixes
Added Korean translation

Аддон обновлен! :)

Habetdin 22-05-2011 01:50 1680395


Цитата Habetdin
FreeFileSync v3.17 »


Changelog v3.17
Filter files by size
Filter latest files by time span
Launcher automatically selecting 32/64 bit executable on startup
More detailed systray progress indicator
New database format for <Automatic> mode: a full sync is suggested before upgrading
Update database at individual file level (support for partial and aborted syncs)
New translation file format
Dynamically load existing translation files
Correct translation plural forms
Improved directory locking strategy
Restructured installation package
One button-click synchronization
Fixed CSV character encoding
Put CSV values in quotes if they contain semicolons
Explicit button and settings for "Custom" sync variant -> old configurations need to be migrated
Keyboard shortcuts also on middle grid
Minimize progress dialog by clicking on taskbar
Render invalid file dates correctly on GUI
Process user-defined commands via shell execution (FFS and RTS)
Allow base directory names having trailing whitespace
Addded Ukrainian language
Updated translation files

Может пригодиться: Convert Config to v3.17.rar

Habetdin 11-08-2011 11:47 1729712

Обновление! :)

Цитата Habetdin
Аддон FreeFileSync v3.19 »


Changelog v3.19
Exclude directories from synchronization which cannot be accessed during comparison
Warning if Recycle Bin is not available instead of deleting silently
Adapted log message if missing recycler leads to permanent deletion (Windows)
Revert to per file recycle bin handling if creating temp recycler folder fails
Avoid orphaned deletion temp directories on network drives
Quick-select comparison and synchronization options via double-click
New right-click dropdown menu on comparison and synchronization settings button
New database design: copying the database file does not lead to complications anymore
Full support for "retry" while comparing
Don't copy empty folders when filtering by timespan
Allow loading/merging multiple configurations files via file open dialog
Allow loading/merging multiple configurations in last used config list
Fixed system shutdown interruption during batch mode
Allow saving log files in both silent and non-silent batch jobs
Reduced main dialog flicker when switching configurations
Database and lock files created by FreeFileSync do not trigger RealtimeSync anymore
Restrict maximum number of visible folder pairs to 6 (configurable via GlobalSettings.xml)
New macros: %day%, %hour%, %min%, %sec%

Habetdin 17-08-2011 00:44 1733428



Changelog v3.21
Fixed deleting to user-defined directory
Fixed crash when using include filter
New global option to disable transactional file copy

Аддон обновлен

Habetdin 06-10-2011 14:41 1767319

FreeFileSync v4.0

Thumbnail list view
Option to specify comparison settings at folder pair level
Correctly update parent-child relationship when changing sync directions
Show history list for additional folder pairs
Switch between volume name and full path in directory history list
Perf: shrinked folder matching CPU time by over 70%
Show windows environment strings in directory history list
Show windows special folder IDs in directory history list
Fixed progress dialog going into background on heavy load
Support creating old 8.3 directories
Take over configuration name when creating new batch job
Remember batch-specific settings when loading a ffs_batch file from main dialog
Drag & drop ffs_batch files on main dialog to test and edit batch settings
Automatically resolve objects deleted externally after comparison
Date column context menu: manual time range selector
New categories for time span filter: today, this week, this month, this year
Respect both sides when sorting by relative path
Updated COM error message reporting resolving "Unknown error"
Smarter configuration merge algorithm
Correctly show existing folders on both sides when using include filter
Fixed network access using WebDrive
Update modification times during file copy to write current values to database
RealtimeSync: write name of changed file into environment variable "changed_file"
RealtimeSync: fixed network drop incorrectly being handled as a failure
Set default direction according to current configuration when deleting manually
Plenty of GUI improvements
Updated help file
Updated translation files

Аддон обновлен! :)

Habetdin 21-11-2011 15:37 1799917


Цитата Habetdin
Аддон FreeFileSync v4.3 »


Changelog v4.3
Detection of moved and renamed files
New database format for <Automatic> mode: a full sync is suggested before upgrading
Fixed overwrite symlink with regular file
Fixed synchronization result dialog GUI glitch (Windows XP)
Fixed macro %weekday%
RealtimeSync: Fixed support for manual volume unmount (Windows)
Added Croatian language
Updated translation files

Delirium 22-11-2011 00:50 1800339

Habetdin, вообще то офф. язык на форуме русский, и если выкладываешь ченжлог, то уж выкладывай на русском, далеко не все знают англ. язык.

Время: 01:59.

Время: 01:59.
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