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VBS/WSH/JS - [решено] Скрип для инвентаризации компов
Пользователь Сообщения: 132 |
...Други поможите пож-ста, в скриптах я никак.
Есть 3 скрипта, типа инвентаризация компов в локалке. Все рабочие, первый все в txt записывает - а вот остальные два выводят просто на экран всю инфу! Нужно их все 3 объединить и что бы все выводилось в файл, задача вроде не трудная для вас, а для меня темный лес... on error resume Next Set oShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell") Set env = oShell.environment("Process") strComputer = env.Item("Computername") Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Const UnInstPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &_ ".\root\default:StdRegProv") report = strComputer & " Computer Inventory" & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem",,48) report = report & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf report = report & "OS Information" & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf For Each objItem in colItems report = report & strComputer & vbCrLf & "OS Details"& vbCrlf report = report & "Caption: " & objItem.Caption & vbCrLf report = report & "Description: " & objItem.Description & vbCrLf report = report & "EncryptionLevel: " & objItem.EncryptionLevel & vbCrLf report = report & "InstallDate: " & objItem.InstallDate & vbCrLf report = report & "Manufacturer: " & objItem.Manufacturer & vbCrLf report = report & "MaxNumberOfProcesses: " & objItem.MaxNumberOfProcesses & vbCrLf report = report & "Name: " & objItem.Name & vbCrLf report = report & "Organization: " & objItem.Organization & vbCrLf report = report & "OSProductSuite: " & objItem.OSProductSuite & vbCrLf report = report & "RegisteredUser: " & objItem.RegisteredUser & vbCrLf report = report & "SerialNumber: " & objItem.SerialNumber & vbCrLf report = report & "ServicePackMajorVersion: " & objItem.ServicePackMajorVersion & vbCrLf report = report & "ServicePackMinorVersion: " & objItem.ServicePackMinorVersion & vbCrLf report = report & "Version: " & objItem.Version & vbCrLf report = report & "WindowsDirectory: " & objItem.WindowsDirectory & vbCrLf Next Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem") report = report & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf report = report & "Memory and Processor Information" & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf For Each objComputer in colSettings 'report = report & objComputer.Name & vbcrlf report = report & objComputer.TotalPhysicalMemory /1024\1024+1 & "MB Total memory" & vbcrlf Next Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Processor") For Each objProcessor in colSettings report = report & objProcessor.Description & " Processor" & vbCrLf Next report = report & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf report = report & "Disk Drive Information" & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:") Set objLogicalDisk = objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='c:'") report = report & objLogicalDisk.FreeSpace /1024\1024+1 & "MB Free Disk Space" & vbCrLf report = report & objLogicalDisk.Size /1024\1024+1 & "MB Total Disk Space" & vbCrLf oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, UnInstPath, arrSubKeys software = vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf software = software & vbCrLf & "Installed Software" & vbCrLf & "******************************************" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf For Each subkey In arrSubKeys 'MsgBox subkey If Left (subkey, 1) <> "{" Then software = software & subkey & vbCrLf End If Next Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set ts = fso.CreateTextFile (strComputer & ".txt", ForWriting) ts.write report ts.write software 'MsgBox Report MsgBox "Done" 'MonitorInfo.vbs 'this code is based on the EEDID spec found at http://www.vesa.org 'and by my hacking around in the windows registry 'the code was tested on WINXP,WIN2K and WIN2K3 'it should work on WINME and WIN98SE 'It should work with multiple monitors, but that hasn't been tested either. '***************************************************************************************** ' '***************************************************************************************** 'It should be noted that this is not 100% reliable 'I have witnessed occasions where for one reason or another windows 'can't or doesn't read the EDID info at boot (example would be someone 'booting with the monitor turned off) and so windows changes the active 'monitor to "Default_Monitor" 'Another reason for reliability problems is that there is no 'requirement in the EDID spec that a manufacture include the 'serial number in the EDID data AND only EDIDv1.2 and beyond 'have a requirement that the EDID contain a descriptive 'model name 'That being said, here goes.... '***************************************************************************************** ' '***************************************************************************************** 'Monitors are stored in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\ ' 'Unfortunately, not only monitors are stored here Video Chipsets and maybe some other stuff 'is also here. ' 'Monitors in "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\" are organized like this: ' HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\<VESA_Monitor_ID>\<PNP_ID>\ 'Since not only monitors will be found under DISPLAY sub key you need to find out which 'devices are monitors. 'This can be deterimined by looking at the value "HardwareID" located 'at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\<VESA_Monitor_ID\<PNP_ID>\ 'If the device is a monitor then the "HardwareID" value will contain the data "Monitor\<VESA_Monitor_ID>" ' 'The Next difficulty is that all monitors are stored here not just the one curently plugged in. 'So, If you ever switched monitors the old one(s) will still be in the registry. 'You can tell which monitor(s) are active because they will have a sub-key named "Control" '***************************************************************************************** ' Option Explicit Dim WshShell Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim strComputer, message Dim intMonitorCount Dim oRegistry, sBaseKey, sBaseKey2, sBaseKey3, skey, skey2, skey3 Dim sValue dim i, iRC, iRC2, iRC3 Dim arSubKeys, arSubKeys2, arSubKeys3, arrintEDID Dim strRawEDID Dim ByteValue, strSerFind, strMdlFind Dim intSerFoundAt, intMdlFoundAt, findit Dim tmp, tmpser, tmpmdl, tmpctr Dim batch, bHeader batch = False If WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then strComputer = WScript.Arguments(0) batch = True Else strComputer = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%COMPUTERNAME%") strComputer = InputBox("Check Monitor info for what PC","PC Name?",strComputer) End If If strcomputer = "" Then WScript.Quit strComputer = UCase(strComputer) If batch Then Dim fso,logfile, appendout logfile = wshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%userprofile%") & "\desktop\MonitorInfo.csv" 'setup Log Const ForAppend = 8 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not fso.FileExists(logfile) Then bHeader = True set appendout = fso.OpenTextFile(logfile, ForAppend, True) If bHeader Then appendout.writeline "Computer,Model,Serial #,Vendor ID,Manufacture Date,Messages" End If End If Dim strarrRawEDID() intMonitorCount=0 Const HKLM = &H80000002 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 'get a handle to the WMI registry object On Error Resume Next Set oRegistry = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "/root/default:StdRegProv") If Err <> 0 Then If batch Then EchoAndLog strComputer & ",,,,," & Err.Description Else MsgBox "Failed. " & Err.Description,vbCritical + vbOKOnly,strComputer WScript.Quit End If End If sBaseKey = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\" 'enumerate all the keys HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\ iRC = oRegistry.EnumKey(HKLM, sBaseKey, arSubKeys) For Each sKey In arSubKeys 'we are now in the registry at the level of: 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\<VESA_Monitor_ID\ 'we need to dive in one more level and check the data of the "HardwareID" value sBaseKey2 = sBaseKey & sKey & "\" iRC2 = oRegistry.EnumKey(HKLM, sBaseKey2, arSubKeys2) For Each sKey2 In arSubKeys2 'now we are at the level of: 'HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\<VESA_Monitor_ID\<PNP_ID>\ 'so we can check the "HardwareID" value oRegistry.GetMultiStringValue HKLM, sBaseKey2 & sKey2 & "\", "HardwareID", sValue for tmpctr=0 to ubound(svalue) If lcase(left(svalue(tmpctr),8))="monitor\" then 'If it is a monitor we will check for the existance of a control subkey 'that way we know it is an active monitor sBaseKey3 = sBaseKey2 & sKey2 & "\" iRC3 = oRegistry.EnumKey(HKLM, sBaseKey3, arSubKeys3) For Each sKey3 In arSubKeys3 'Kaplan edit strRawEDID = "" If skey3="Control" Then 'If the Control sub-key exists then we should read the edid info oRegistry.GetBinaryValue HKLM, sbasekey3 & "Device Parameters\", "EDID", arrintEDID If vartype(arrintedid) <> 8204 then 'and If we don't find it... strRawEDID="EDID Not Available" 'store an "unavailable message else for each bytevalue in arrintedid 'otherwise conver the byte array from the registry into a string (for easier processing later) strRawEDID=strRawEDID & chr(bytevalue) Next End If 'now take the string and store it in an array, that way we can support multiple monitors redim preserve strarrRawEDID(intMonitorCount) strarrRawEDID(intMonitorCount)=strRawEDID intMonitorCount=intMonitorCount+1 End If Next End If Next Next Next '***************************************************************************************** 'now the EDID info for each active monitor is stored in an array of strings called strarrRawEDID 'so we can process it to get the good stuff out of it which we will store in a 5 dimensional array 'called arrMonitorInfo, the dimensions are as follows: '0=VESA Mfg ID, 1=VESA Device ID, 2=MFG Date (M/YYYY),3=Serial Num (If available),4=Model Descriptor '5=EDID Version '***************************************************************************************** On Error Resume Next dim arrMonitorInfo() redim arrMonitorInfo(intMonitorCount-1,5) dim location(3) for tmpctr=0 to intMonitorCount-1 If strarrRawEDID(tmpctr) <> "EDID Not Available" then '********************************************************************* 'first get the model and serial numbers from the vesa descriptor 'blocks in the edid. the model number is required to be present 'according to the spec. (v1.2 and beyond)but serial number is not 'required. There are 4 descriptor blocks in edid at offset locations '&H36 &H48 &H5a and &H6c each block is 18 bytes long '********************************************************************* location(0)=mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H36+1,18) location(1)=mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H48+1,18) location(2)=mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H5a+1,18) location(3)=mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H6c+1,18) 'you can tell If the location contains a serial number If it starts with &H00 00 00 ff strSerFind=chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&Hff) 'or a model description If it starts with &H00 00 00 fc strMdlFind=chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&H00) & chr(&Hfc) intSerFoundAt=-1 intMdlFoundAt=-1 for findit = 0 to 3 If instr(location(findit),strSerFind)>0 then intSerFoundAt=findit End If If instr(location(findit),strMdlFind)>0 then intMdlFoundAt=findit End If Next 'If a location containing a serial number block was found then store it If intSerFoundAt<>-1 then tmp=right(location(intSerFoundAt),14) If instr(tmp,chr(&H0a))>0 then tmpser=trim(left(tmp,instr(tmp,chr(&H0a))-1)) Else tmpser=trim(tmp) End If 'although it is not part of the edid spec it seems as though the 'serial number will frequently be preceeded by &H00, this 'compensates for that If left(tmpser,1)=chr(0) then tmpser=right(tmpser,len(tmpser)-1) else tmpser="Not Found" End If 'If a location containing a model number block was found then store it If intMdlFoundAt<>-1 then tmp=right(location(intMdlFoundAt),14) If instr(tmp,chr(&H0a))>0 then tmpmdl=trim(left(tmp,instr(tmp,chr(&H0a))-1)) else tmpmdl=trim(tmp) End If 'although it is not part of the edid spec it seems as though the 'serial number will frequently be preceeded by &H00, this 'compensates for that If left(tmpmdl,1)=chr(0) then tmpmdl=right(tmpmdl,len(tmpmdl)-1) else tmpmdl="Not Found" End If '************************************************************** 'Next get the mfg date '************************************************************** Dim tmpmfgweek,tmpmfgyear,tmpmdt 'the week of manufacture is stored at EDID offset &H10 tmpmfgweek=asc(mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H10+1,1)) 'the year of manufacture is stored at EDID offset &H11 'and is the current year -1990 tmpmfgyear=(asc(mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H11+1,1)))+1990 'store it in month/year format tmpmdt=month(dateadd("ww",tmpmfgweek,datevalue("1/1/" & tmpmfgyear))) & "/" & tmpmfgyear '************************************************************** 'Next get the edid version '************************************************************** 'the version is at EDID offset &H12 Dim tmpEDIDMajorVer, tmpEDIDRev, tmpVer tmpEDIDMajorVer=asc(mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H12+1,1)) 'the revision level is at EDID offset &H13 tmpEDIDRev=asc(mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H13+1,1)) 'store it in month/year format tmpver=chr(48+tmpEDIDMajorVer) & "." & chr(48+tmpEDIDRev) '************************************************************** 'Next get the mfg id '************************************************************** 'the mfg id is 2 bytes starting at EDID offset &H08 'the id is three characters long. using 5 bits to represent 'each character. the bits are used so that 1=A 2=B etc.. ' 'get the data Dim tmpEDIDMfg, tmpMfg dim Char1, Char2, Char3 Dim Byte1, Byte2 tmpEDIDMfg=mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H08+1,2) Char1=0 : Char2=0 : Char3=0 Byte1=asc(left(tmpEDIDMfg,1)) 'get the first half of the string Byte2=asc(right(tmpEDIDMfg,1)) 'get the first half of the string 'now shift the bits 'shift the 64 bit to the 16 bit If (Byte1 and 64) > 0 then Char1=Char1+16 'shift the 32 bit to the 8 bit If (Byte1 and 32) > 0 then Char1=Char1+8 'etc.... If (Byte1 and 16) > 0 then Char1=Char1+4 If (Byte1 and 8) > 0 then Char1=Char1+2 If (Byte1 and 4) > 0 then Char1=Char1+1 'the 2nd character uses the 2 bit and the 1 bit of the 1st byte If (Byte1 and 2) > 0 then Char2=Char2+16 If (Byte1 and 1) > 0 then Char2=Char2+8 'and the 128,64 and 32 bits of the 2nd byte If (Byte2 and 128) > 0 then Char2=Char2+4 If (Byte2 and 64) > 0 then Char2=Char2+2 If (Byte2 and 32) > 0 then Char2=Char2+1 'the bits for the 3rd character don't need shifting 'we can use them as they are Char3=Char3+(Byte2 and 16) Char3=Char3+(Byte2 and 8) Char3=Char3+(Byte2 and 4) Char3=Char3+(Byte2 and 2) Char3=Char3+(Byte2 and 1) tmpmfg=chr(Char1+64) & chr(Char2+64) & chr(Char3+64) '************************************************************** 'Next get the device id '************************************************************** 'the device id is 2bytes starting at EDID offset &H0a 'the bytes are in reverse order. 'this code is not text. it is just a 2 byte code assigned 'by the manufacturer. they should be unique to a model Dim tmpEDIDDev1, tmpEDIDDev2, tmpDev tmpEDIDDev1=hex(asc(mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H0a+1,1))) tmpEDIDDev2=hex(asc(mid(strarrRawEDID(tmpctr),&H0b+1,1))) If len(tmpEDIDDev1)=1 then tmpEDIDDev1="0" & tmpEDIDDev1 If len(tmpEDIDDev2)=1 then tmpEDIDDev2="0" & tmpEDIDDev2 tmpdev=tmpEDIDDev2 & tmpEDIDDev1 '************************************************************** 'finally store all the values into the array '************************************************************** 'Kaplan adds code to avoid duplication... If Not InArray(tmpser,arrMonitorInfo,3) Then arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,0)=tmpmfg arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,1)=tmpdev arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,2)=tmpmdt arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,3)=tmpser arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,4)=tmpmdl arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,5)=tmpVer End If End If Next 'For now just a simple screen print will suffice for output. 'But you could take this output and write it to a database or a file 'and in that way use it for asset management. i = 0 for tmpctr = 0 to intMonitorCount-1 If arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,1) <> "" And arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,0) <> "PNP" Then If batch Then EchoAndLog strComputer & "," & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,4) & "," & _ arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,3)& "," & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,0) & "," & _ arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,2) Else message = message & "Monitor " & chr(i+65) & ")" & VbCrLf & _ "Model Name: " & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,4) & VbCrLf & _ "Serial Number: " & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,3)& VbCrLf & _ "VESA Manufacturer ID: " & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,0) & VbCrLf & _ "Manufacture Date: " & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,2) & VbCrLf & VbCrLf 'wscript.echo ".........." & "Device ID: " & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,1) 'wscript.echo ".........." & "EDID Version: " & arrMonitorInfo(tmpctr,5) i = i + 1 End If End If Next If not batch Then MsgBox message, vbInformation + vbOKOnly,strComputer & " Monitor Info" End If Function InArray(strValue,List,Col) Dim i For i = 0 to UBound(List) If List(i,col) = cstr(strValue) Then InArray = True Exit Function End If Next InArray = False End Function Sub EchoAndLog (message) 'Echo output and write to log Wscript.Echo message AppendOut.WriteLine message End Sub strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_BIOS") For each objBIOS in colBIOS Wscript.Echo "Manufacturer: " & objBIOS.Manufacturer Wscript.Echo "Serial Number: " & objBIOS.SerialNumber Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objBIOS.Name Next Помогите плиз... Очень надеюсь... Спасибо... |
Отправлено: 20:48, 13-05-2010 |
Googler Сообщения: 3665
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать 2-й скрипт:
--------- - "batch = True" вместо "batch = False" (строка №58); - убрать/закомментировать строку №65: - запуск скрипта с выводом в файл: 3-й скрипт: --------- - запуск скрипта с выводом в файл: |
Отправлено: 13:28, 14-05-2010 | #2 |
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Пользователь Сообщения: 132
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать amel27, ...Спасибо большое, получилось!
Отправлено: 16:26, 14-05-2010 | #3 |
![]() Новый участник Сообщения: 6
Профиль | Сайт | Отправить PM | Цитировать Цитата amel27:
Как запустить данную команду из другого vbs? хочу, чтоб при запуске первого скрипта, по отработке он запускал второй и логировал рядышком. такой скрипт не работает |
Отправлено: 09:35, 18-11-2015 | #4 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 27449
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Отправлено: 10:30, 18-11-2015 | #5 |
![]() Новый участник Сообщения: 6
Профиль | Сайт | Отправить PM | Цитировать Цитата Iska:
У меня есть logon.vbs который запускается при старте системы с глобального сервера в Москве, в этом логоне нужно прописать запуск скриптов собирающих информацию. Цитата Iska:
П.С. третий скрипт меня не интересует... |
Отправлено: 15:15, 18-11-2015 | #6 |
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