Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Серверные продукты Microsoft » WSUS » [решено] Samba + Wsus |
[решено] Samba + Wsus
Пользователь Сообщения: 69 |
Имеется на работе сеть и куча доменов на основе samba. Делаю с помощью программы Poledit политику для компьютера по умолчанию, настраиваю её и кладу в папку netlogon. Но машины в сети почему-то не подключаются к серверу(wsus.p33.st). В чём может быть проблема? Вот лог на клиентской машине: 2011-10-20 07:42:29+0400 1084 730 Service Main starts 2011-10-20 07:42:29+0400 1084 730 Using BatchFlushAge = 8672. 2011-10-20 07:42:29+0400 1084 730 Using SamplingValue = 950. 2011-10-20 07:42:29+0400 1084 730 Successfully loaded event namespace dictionary. 2011-10-20 07:42:31+0400 1084 730 Successfully loaded client event namespace descriptor. 2011-10-20 07:42:31+0400 1084 730 Successfully initialized local event logger. Events will be logged at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\ReportingEvents.log. 2011-10-20 07:42:31+0400 1084 730 Successfully initialized NT event logger. 2011-10-20 07:42:31+0400 1084 730 Successfully initialized event uploader 0. 2011-10-20 07:42:31+0400 1084 730 Successfully initialized event uploader 1. 2011-10-20 07:42:31+0400 1084 730 WU client with version 5.4.3790.5512 successfully initialized 2011-10-20 07:42:31+0400 1084 730 Service status is now SERVICE_RUNNING 2011-10-20 07:42:39+0400 1084 440 Service received logon notification 2011-10-20 07:42:44+0400 1084 440 Service received connect notification 2011-10-20 07:43:15+0400 1084 730 start delayed initialization of WU client 2011-10-20 07:43:15+0400 2436 988 Trying to make out of proc datastore active 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 2436 988 Out of proc datastore is now active 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 730 Client Call Recorder finished delayed initialization 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 730 Setting next AU detection timeout to 2011-10-20 03:43:16 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 730 Setting AU scheduled install time to 2011-10-20 05:00:00 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 730 AU finished delayed initialization 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 730 AU received event of 1 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 730 WU client succeeds CClientCallRecorder::BeginFindUpdates from AutomaticUpdates with call id {BD3509D1-B45A-44A1-99FC-32AEE4351A20} 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c WU client executing call {BD3509D1-B45A-44A1-99FC-32AEE4351A20} of type Search Call 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c DownloadFileInternal failed for wsus.p33.st/SelfUpdate/wuident.cab: error 0x80072ee6 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c IsUpdateRequired failed with error 0x80072ee6 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c OS Version = 5.1.2600.3.0.65792 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Computer Brand = System manufacturer 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Computer Model = System Product Name 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Bios Revision = 0506 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Bios Name = BIOS Date: 01/15/10 19:00:24 Ver: 08.00.12 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Bios Release Date = 2010-01-15T00:00:00 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Locale ID = 1049 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: iuengine.dll = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wuapi.dll = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wuauclt.exe = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wuauclt1.exe = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wuaucpl.cpl = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wuaueng.dll = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wuaueng1.dll = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wuauserv.dll = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c ClientVersion: wucltui.dll = 5.4.3790.5512 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c PT: Using serverID {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c WU client failed Searching for update with error 0x80072ee6 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Search Callback Failed, hr is 0x80072ee6 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Setting next AU detection timeout to 2011-10-20 04:36:03 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c Setting AU scheduled install time to 2011-10-20 05:00:00 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c WU client calls back to search call AutomaticUpdates with code Call failed and error 0x80072ee6 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c WU client completed and deleted call {BD3509D1-B45A-44A1-99FC-32AEE4351A20} 2011-10-20 07:43:21+0400 1084 44c REPORT EVENT: {3C69B100-B4C4-406E-B7FA-03502B4C5CAC} 1 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1 148 101 {D67661EB-2423-451D-BF5D-13199E37DF28} 0 80072ee6 SelfUpdate Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed detecting with reason: 0x80072ee6 2011-10-20 07:43:21+0400 1084 44c REPORT EVENT: {56D66DC4-7E5D-40D4-A63D-1E47DEDF9279} 2 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1 148 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 80072ee6 AutomaticUpdates Failure Software Synchronization Error: Agent failed detecting with reason: 0x80072ee6 2011-10-20 07:43:21+0400 1084 44c Created new event cache file at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{64F45FA6-B844-4041-A0A5-B1227140591E}.bin for writing. 2011-10-20 07:43:21+0400 1084 44c Created new event cache file at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{BABD5989-7698-4531-910E-928E21441A6F}.bin for writing. 2011-10-20 07:45:20+0400 1084 538 Successfully opened event cache file at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{64F45FA6-B844-4041-A0A5-B1227140591E}.bin for reading. 2011-10-20 07:45:20+0400 1084 538 PT: Using serverID {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} 2011-10-20 07:45:20+0400 1084 538 Failed to obtain cached cookie with hr = 80072ee6. 2011-10-20 07:45:20+0400 1084 538 Failed to upload events with hr = 80072ee6. 2011-10-20 07:50:14+0400 2436 988 Out of proc datastore is shutting down 2011-10-20 07:50:15+0400 2436 988 Out of proc datastore is now inactive 2011-10-20 07:55:20+0400 1084 538 Successfully opened event cache file at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{64F45FA6-B844-4041-A0A5-B1227140591E}.bin for reading. 2011-10-20 07:55:20+0400 2908 b68 Trying to make out of proc datastore active 2011-10-20 07:55:20+0400 2908 b68 Out of proc datastore is now active 2011-10-20 07:55:20+0400 1084 538 PT: Using serverID {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} 2011-10-20 07:55:20+0400 1084 538 Failed to obtain cached cookie with hr = 80072ee6. 2011-10-20 07:55:20+0400 1084 538 Failed to upload events with hr = 80072ee6. 2011-10-20 08:00:20+0400 2908 b68 Out of proc datastore is shutting down 2011-10-20 08:00:21+0400 2908 b68 Out of proc datastore is now inactive 2011-10-20 08:05:19+0400 1084 f60 Successfully opened event cache file at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{64F45FA6-B844-4041-A0A5-B1227140591E}.bin for reading. 2011-10-20 08:05:20+0400 3920 f64 Trying to make out of proc datastore active 2011-10-20 08:05:20+0400 3920 f64 Out of proc datastore is now active 2011-10-20 08:05:20+0400 1084 f60 PT: Using serverID {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} 2011-10-20 08:05:20+0400 1084 f60 Failed to obtain cached cookie with hr = 80072ee6. 2011-10-20 08:05:20+0400 1084 f60 Failed to upload events with hr = 80072ee6. 2011-10-20 08:10:20+0400 3920 f64 Out of proc datastore is shutting down 2011-10-20 08:10:21+0400 3920 f64 Out of proc datastore is now inactive 2011-10-20 08:15:20+0400 1084 1d8 Successfully opened event cache file at C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\{64F45FA6-B844-4041-A0A5-B1227140591E}.bin for reading. 2011-10-20 08:15:20+0400 272 c0 Trying to make out of proc datastore active 2011-10-20 08:15:21+0400 272 c0 Out of proc datastore is now active 2011-10-20 08:15:21+0400 1084 1d8 PT: Using serverID {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} 2011-10-20 08:15:21+0400 1084 1d8 Failed to obtain cached cookie with hr = 80072ee6. 2011-10-20 08:15:21+0400 1084 1d8 Failed to upload events with hr = 80072ee6. но вот строчка 2011-10-20 07:43:16+0400 1084 44c DownloadFileInternal failed for wsus.p33.st/SelfUpdate/wuident.cab: error 0x80072ee6 В чём может быть проблема? |
Отправлено: 08:53, 20-10-2011 |
Ветеран Сообщения: 3722
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Цитата Jonik-Mnimonik:
Цитата Jonik-Mnimonik:
------- Отправлено: 10:28, 20-10-2011 | #2 |
Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети. Если же вы забыли свой пароль на форуме, то воспользуйтесь данной ссылкой для восстановления пароля. |
Пользователь Сообщения: 69
Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать Проблема была в следущем, я в настройках указал "wsus.p33.st", а надо было "http://wsus.p33.st"
Отправлено: 11:46, 20-10-2011 | #3 |
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