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Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Linux и FreeBSD » Новости и флейм из мира *nix » squashfs-tools

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Добрый день!
Пытаюсь распоковать архив squashfs с помощью squashfs_tools-4.0-i686-cygwin, утилита выдает ошибки при распаковки. Кто-нибудь в курсе и-за чего?:

C:\1>unsquashfs.exe C:\1\initrd
cygwin warning:
MS-DOS style path detected: C:\1\initrd
Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /1/initrd
CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this warning.
Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 2 processors
393 inodes (543 blocks) to write

[=======================================/ ] 151/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/agpgart, because you're not superuser!

create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/console, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty0, because you're not superuser!

create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty1, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty2, because you're not superuser!

create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty3, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty4, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty5, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty6, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/tty7, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/ttyS0, because you're not superuser!

create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/ttyS1, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/ttyS2, because you're not superuser!
[========================================/ ] 152/543 27%
create_inode: could not create character device squashfs-root/dev/ttyS3, because you're not superuser!
[==================================================================================================== =======================================/ ] 529/543 97%
created 268 files
created 50 directories
created 111 symlinks
created 0 devices
created 0 fifos


Отправлено: 14:21, 14-11-2011


Аватара для [mzd]


Сообщения: 2391
Благодарности: 186

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Вам нужно получить права суперпользователя. Попробуйте запустить squashfs_tools-4.0-i686-cygwin от имени администратора.

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Everybody lies. (c) House M.D.
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Отправлено: 09:28, 23-11-2011 | #2

Для отключения данного рекламного блока вам необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти с учетной записью социальной сети.

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Сообщения: 144
Благодарности: 0

Профиль | Отправить PM | Цитировать

В винде не получилось, только в lunix: sudo unsquashfs initrd

Отправлено: 10:34, 05-12-2011 | #3

Компьютерный форум OSzone.net » Linux и FreeBSD » Новости и флейм из мира *nix » squashfs-tools

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